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We specialize in helping businesses move LTL & FTL shipments across North America and the rest of the world.
Power of Attorney

Please download and print ASAP Logistics Power of Attorney document.


NAFTA Certificate of Origin
Download here - NAFTA Certificate of Origin 

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a preferential tariff program, which allows null or decreased duties for products that qualify under its provisions. A NAFTA Certificate of Origin should be supplied along with goods that qualify for reduced or duty-free entry as a product of any of the three participating member nations: The United States of America, Canada and Mexico.

The certificate should be filed with the commercial invoice for any shipment destined to the U.S., Canada or Mexico valued at $1600.00 CAD or more. But beware, not all shipments crossing the border qualify for preferential NAFTA treatment. In actuality, the nature of the goods will always determine NAFTA treatment. The form is usually available in English, French and Spanish.

The Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) or the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) are responsible for updates to the form and NAFTA regulations. Please see our external resources section for links to both agencies.

Blank Shipper's Letter of Instruction Form

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